The RX Jessner -120 ml
The RX Jessner -120 ml
The-Rx Jessner’s
Truth Treatment Systems TheR-x Jessner’s peel is a light to medium-depth combination peel that can assist in resolving cystic and heavy acne. Combining Salicylic, Lactic, and Resorcinol creates a powerful reaction in the skin to help clear out pores and deliver medium skin exfoliation. Lactic and salicylic may sound familiar, but resorcinol could be new. It is primarily used for its lightening properties (similar to Hydroquinone) and as an antiseptic. Combining these key ingredients results in clarity, decongestion, and overall skin health.
Size: 120ml
Ideal for: Medium to thicker skin requiring treatment for acne scarring, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles.
Features & Benefits:
- Congested skin with open and closed comedones.
- Whiteheads and blackheads.
- Back Acne.
- Chest Acne.
- Acne Scars.
- Cystic Acne (large, painful blemishes without a point)
Dispense peel into a small container. Apply using two 2x2 gauze pads or cotton rounds. Start on the forehead and apply a thin peel layer evenly distributed with firm pressure. Observe the skin for a color change. Always engage with your client about their level of comfort. Please note this is a self-neutralizing peel and can be allowed to remain on the skin. Always engage with your client about their level of comfort. *May apply up to 3 layers on conditioned skin. See the protocol for detailed application instructions.
Ethanol, Lactic Acid, Recorcinol, Salicylic Acid, Water.